Breaking: Japan Struck by Devastating 7.6 Earthquake – Latest Updates

In a seismic upheaval, central Japan grapples with the aftermath of a powerful 7.6 magnitude earthquake. As buildings crumble and homes are trapped, our hearts go out to the affected. Stay informed with our comprehensive coverage.

Credit: AFP, Copyright: AFP or licensors

The Earth Shakes: Unleashing Chaos and Destruction

A catastrophic earthquake, registering 7.6 on the Richter scale, has wreaked havoc in central Japan. Buildings stand in ruins, power outages afflict tens of thousands, and coastal residents are racing to higher ground.

How many people died in Japan earthquake 2024?

In Wajima, approximately 50 houses crumbled, leading to a fire that ravaged several homes due to impassable roads for firefighters. Wajima witnessed over 30 injuries, with additional reports in Suzu. Collapsed structures trapped individuals, with at least 10 people buried in Ishikawa Nanao. In Nanao, two fatalities resulted from a house collapse, and in Shika, one person died and another was injured in a similar incident.

Toyama Prefecture recorded at least 18 injuries, eight from a collapsed pachinko parlor ceiling, and over 100 damaged buildings. Niigata Prefecture reported 14 injuries, building collapses, and road damage, with a probable cardiac arrest case linked to the quake. Fukui Prefecture noted five minor injuries , and two injuries were reported in Osaka and Hyōgo Prefectures , with unspecified injuries in Gifu Prefecture.

Cracked roads and broken water mains were observed in Himi and Oyabe, Toyama Prefecture. Niigata city faced liquefaction, sewer pipe ruptures, and water shortages . The Onohiyoshi Shrine in Kanazawa suffered damage, and a landslide hit the Toyama-Kanazawa expressway, destroying a significant portion.

Telecommunication disruptions were reported by NTT Docomo, Rakuten Mobile, Softbank, and KDDI in Ishikawa and Niigata prefectures, while NTT West facilities incurred damage. The Shika Nuclear Power Plant experienced an explosion near the No.2 reactor’s power transformer, rendering the No.1 reactor’s transformer inoperable due to an oil spill. The earthquake left 36,000 households without power.

Was there a 9.0 earthquake in Japan?

Yes in March 2011, an earthquake of magnitude 9.0 struck off the east coast of Japan. It was not intense that shifted the Earth’s axis, and shortened days on Earth.

Tsunami Threat: Waves Surge Along the West Coast

The seismic shockwaves have birthed waves of approximately 1m (3 feet) along Japan’s west coast and extended to neighboring South Korea. The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) issued tsunami warnings for Ishikawa, Niigata, and Toyama prefectures, urging vigilance as larger waves may follow.

“This serves as a stark reminder of the 2011 tragedy. A major tsunami warning, akin to the one in 2011, initially alarmed Ishikawa but has since been downgraded,” affirms JMA official Toshihiro Shimoyama.

Global Alarms: Russia and North Korea on High Alert

The quake’s ripple effect extends beyond Japan’s shores, prompting Russia and North Korea to issue tsunami warnings for specific regions. As the world watches, collective concern amplifies, emphasizing the need for international cooperation in times of crisis.

Rescue Operations Underway: Prime Minister’s Directive

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida issues a directive to search-and-rescue teams, urging them to navigate the challenging terrain and save lives. Hindered by blocked roads, these teams are grappling to reach affected areas promptly.

“We have identified multiple individuals trapped inside buildings. The situation is fluid, and the toll may rise significantly,” alerts Chris Gilbert, reporting from Tokyo.

Power Outages and Nuclear Plants: Assessing the Fallout

The earthquake’s impact resonates beyond structural damage, with over 36,000 households facing power outages in Ishikawa and Toyama prefectures. Notably, Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority assures no abnormalities at nuclear power plants along the Sea of Japan.

“The Shika plant in Ishikawa, closest to the epicenter, reported no impact. This, coupled with the pre-quake shutdown of reactors, reflects a cautious approach to nuclear safety,” states the agency.

South Korea on Alert: Potential Rise in Sea Levels

As seismic tremors ripple across borders, South Korea’s meteorological agency warns of potential sea-level rises in parts of the Gangwon province. The interconnectedness of neighboring countries underscores the shared vulnerability to seismic events.

Japan’s Ongoing Battle: A Nation at Seismic Risk

Japan, nestled in the Pacific Ring of Fire, is no stranger to earthquakes. The scars of the 2011 disaster still linger, serving as a poignant reminder of the nation’s vulnerability.

“This seismic activity has been simmering for over three years, and more strong quakes are anticipated. Preparedness and swift response are paramount,” emphasizes Chris Gilbert.

Conclusion: Staying Informed, Extending Compassion

As Japan grapples with the aftermath, staying informed and extending compassion are our collective responsibilities. Fresh and Trending remains dedicated to providing real-time updates on this unfolding crisis. Our thoughts are with the people affected, and we stand united in the face of adversity.

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