Unlocking Potential: Buy Redington (₹173.35) – Seize the Opportunity!


Investors, brace yourselves for a profitable ride as we delve into the promising prospects of Redington (₹173.35). The stock market is buzzing with excitement, anticipating a rise to ₹190-192 over the next three-four weeks. Short-term traders, pay attention – this could be your golden ticket.

today's share recommendation

Riding the Bullish Wave

Despite a minor setback with a one percent drop on Wednesday, the overall trend for Redington has been upward since the last week of October, and it remains robust. The stock has demonstrated resilience, finding strong support in the ₹169-167 region, acting as a safeguard against significant downsides.

Technical Indicators in Favor

Adding to the optimism are the moving average crossovers on both the weekly and daily charts, further solidifying the bullish case. These indicators suggest that the stock is poised for a sustained performance above ₹167, setting the stage for potential gains.

Strategic Entry Points

For short-term traders looking to capitalize on this opportunity, now is the time to go long. Consider accumulating shares on dips at ₹170 and ₹168, strategically positioning yourself for optimal returns. To safeguard your investment, set a prudent stop-loss at ₹165.

Trail and Revise for Maximum Returns

As the stock ascends to ₹179, trail your stop-loss up to ₹176 to protect your gains. This tactical move ensures that you secure profits while allowing the stock the flexibility to continue its upward trajectory. Stay vigilant and revise the stop-loss accordingly.


Redington’s current standing presents an enticing buying opportunity, with potential gains reaching ₹190-192 in the near future. Short-term traders, seize the moment and make your move. For more insights on lucrative investment opportunities and trending financial topics, stay tuned to Fresh and Trending. Happy investing!

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