Netflix Pulls ‘Annapoorani – The Goddess of Food’ Amidst Controversy

“Controversy Unveiled: Netflix Yanks ‘Annapoorani’ After Outcry Over Meat-Eating Scene”


In a startling turn of events, Netflix finds itself embroiled in a cultural controversy as it removes the Tamil-language film, “Annapoorani – The Goddess of Food.” Released in theaters in December and later streamed on Netflix, the film faced intense backlash for depicting the daughter of a Hindu temple priest consuming meat, prompting a swift response from the streaming giant.

Annapoorani Controversy

The Backlash Unfolds

“Annapoorani – The Goddess of Food” swiftly became a focal point of criticism on social media for its portrayal of the daughter of a Hindu priest indulging in meat consumption. Hindus, constituting India’s largest religious group, traditionally adhere to a vegetarian diet, a practice often extended to priests and their families. The film’s depiction of this departure from tradition sparked outrage among certain groups.

“This film… is intentionally released to hurt Hindu sentiments,” expressed Ramesh Solanki, head of the organization ‘Hindu IT Cell,’ filing a complaint against the movie.

Netflix’s Reaction

In response to the escalating controversy, Netflix promptly removed the film from its platform. As of Thursday, “Annapoorani – The Goddess of Food” was no longer available for streaming, raising questions about the delicate balance between creative expression and cultural sensitivities.

“Netflix representatives in India did not immediately respond to a request for comment.”

Protests at Netflix Mumbai Office

The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), an organization with ties to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party, took to the streets in protest. Shouting slogans against Netflix and the film, protesters gathered outside the company’s Mumbai office, demanding accountability for what they perceived as an affront to Hindu sentiments.

“Protesters from the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) shouted slogans against Netflix and the movie at the company’s Mumbai office,” as reported by VHP spokesperson Shriraj Nair.

Allegations of Intentional Offense

Accusations of intentional offense against Hindu sentiments have been levied against the creators of “Annapoorani – The Goddess of Food.” Ramesh Solanki, the head of the “Hindu IT Cell,” filed a formal complaint with Mumbai’s police, citing specific scenes that he deemed offensive to Hindus.

“Solanki said he had filed a complaint to Mumbai’s police about the film, listing several scenes which he said were offensive to Hindus.”

Streaming Platforms and Right-Wing Criticism

This incident adds to the list of clashes between streaming platforms and right-wing groups in India, a country boasting one of the world’s largest streaming markets. In 2021, Amazon faced backlash for its series “Tandav,” resulting in public apologies and legal challenges over scenes deemed offensive to Hindus.


The removal of “Annapoorani – The Goddess of Food” from Netflix underscores the delicate terrain that content creators navigate in a diverse and culturally sensitive landscape. As streaming platforms grapple with maintaining artistic freedom while respecting societal norms, this incident serves as a poignant reminder of the challenges inherent in the global entertainment industry. Stay tuned to Fresh and Trending for more updates on evolving controversies and cultural conversations.

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